segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2007

Pop Rock*

Pop rock is varied estile musical known as rock, in estile popular, with attitude more calm, close common estile of music pop. The industry idols of song popular american already exist, but embrace rock with especial paisson.

Compositors like Leiber & Stoller and producers like Phil Spector out emerge phenomenons like Beatles. After already exist stars pop like Mills Brothers and Paul Anka and stars of rock like Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly, then beginning a wave pop rock, first with Elvis, and one little before the Beatles, what have one estile more alternative and progressive what Elvis.


- First stage: Original (years 60):
>Elvis Presley

-Second stage: Progressive (years 70):

>James Taylor;
>Elton John;


-Third stage: Ballad (years 80):

>Primal Scream;

-Quarter stage: Independent (years 90):

-Fifth stage: Contemporary (years 2000):
>Avril Lavigne;
>Kelly Clarkson;

"Essa é uma pequena história sobre o mundo pop rock, estilo muito comum entre os jovens. Há quem goste das bandas que fizeram do rock um clássico e há quem prefira artistas considerados novos como: Green Day, Coldplay e outros."

* In your opinion...What is the best star ou band? Why?


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